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Global Youth Plant Trees, Exploring Governance Wisdom in Beijing’s Spring
Global Youth Plant Trees, Exploring Governance Wisdom in Beijing’s Spring
by admin - Mar 14, 2025

            2024年3月12日植树节上午9时,中国科学院大学国际学院与老山街道办事处同步开展“共建绿色家园,感知中国之治”国际学生生态文明实践与社区治理参访活动。来自13个国家的20名留学生,开启了生态文明与社区治理的双重探索之旅。The International College of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) and the Laoshan Sub-district Office jointly carried out the “Building a Green Homeland, Understanding Chinese Governance” ecological civilization practice and community governance visit for international students on the morning of March 12, 2024, National Tree Planting Day (Arbor Day). Twenty students from 13 countries embarked on a dual exploration of ecological sustainability and community governance.         本次活动由中国科学院大学国际学院国际学生国情教育创新工作室、中国科学院大学玉泉路园区管理办以及北京市石景山区老山街道办事处联合主办,并得到石景山区老山城市休闲公园和老山东里北社区居委会的大力支持。The event was co-organized by the International Student National Conditions Education Innovation Studio of  the International College and Yuquanlu Campus Management Office of UCAS, and the Laoshan Sub-district Office, with support from Laoshan Urban Leisure Park and Laodongli North Community Neighborhood Committee.“种一棵树最好的时间是十年前,其次是现在”“The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago, and the second-best is now.”        松柏有情,天公作美,人亦相和。第一站,同学们前往老山城市休闲公园植树区,以亲身行动体验植树造绿。活动现场,语言文化各异的国际学子们和老山街道的工作人员分组合作,齐心协力,在铁锹入土的沙沙声中为公园增添新绿。Under a clear sky, cypress trees seemed to welcome the participants. Students went to  Laoshan Urban Leisure Park to plant trees. Despite of different language backgrounds, students and community staff teamed up and pulled together to add new greenery for the park against the rustling sound from the shovels.     图1-4,植树火热进行中Figures 1-4: Students and community staff were planting trees.          一锹土,一棵树,一桶水,一群人。铁锹在泥土间纷飞,松软的泥土被铲出填回,热火朝天。大大小小的树苗错落有致,枝丫或向上挺拔或曲折蜿蜒,映照着远处群山青翠的幼时记忆。这不仅是种树,更是在土壤间播撒中国绿色发展的密码,为地球增添一抹绿色,为生态文明建设贡献一份力量。Each shovel of soil, each sapling, and every bucket of water symbolized collective effort. The saplings—some straight, some winding—echoed the verdant mountains in the distance. This was not merely tree-planting but a metaphor for China’s green development: sowing seeds of sustainability and contributing to global ecological civilization.图5,国科大国际学院师生与老山街道办事处工作人员合影Figure 5: Group photo of  students and teachers from IC, UCAS and officials from Laoshan street. 图6-10,学生风采展示Figure 6-10, Student Style Showcase “百炼钢亦有绕指柔”,对话 “小巷总理”Steel tempered a thousand times can be soft as silk”:  dialogue with the “prime minister of the alley  紧接着,同学们来到老山街道老山东里北社区参观访问。这个曾是首钢家属区的全国示范性老年友好型社区,见证了钢铁工人在烈火中千锤百炼的坚韧,也处处体现着生活中柔情似水的温暖。Next, students visited Laodongli North Community, a nationally recognized “age-friendly” neighborhood, which was once residential area of Shougang Group’s workers. The community blends industrial resilience with tender care, reflecting China’s transition from steel-driven growth to people-centered governance.图11-12,赵红书记带领同学们参观社区Figures 11-12, Secretary Zhao Hong guided students to visit the community.           老山东里北社区党委书记赵红带领同学们深入了解了中国基层社会治理模式、公共服务体系及党建引领下的民生服务成效。从助老打车站到积分制助民垃圾分类驿站,从居民摄影艺术展到社区服务义诊,从“小巷总理”接待站到民情地图,党建红引领的“绿色”民生画卷徐徐展开。厚厚的总理日记不仅承载了十余年间民声民意的声声回响,更定格了500多次心与心的紧密连结。Community Party Secretary Zhao Hong led the students in an in-depth exploration of China's grassroots social governance model, public service system, and the effectiveness of livelihood services under Party leadership. From taxi stations assisting the elderly to point-based waste sorting stations, from resident photography exhibitions to community service medical consultations, from the "Alley Prime Minister" reception station to the public sentiment map, a vibrant "green" livelihood picture guided by Party leadership unfolded. The thick "Prime Minister's Diary" not only carries over a decade of public voices and concerns but also captures more than 500 heartfelt connections. 图13-14,赵红书记介绍社区特色服务Figure 13-14, Secretary Zhao Hong Introduces Community Special Services          “你们中国人真的很照顾老人,真的很好!”,来自阿富汗的留学生MOHAMMAD MUJTABA SADEQI在社区服务站的大厅用中文大声说。这句话,不仅是对社区服务的赞扬,更是对中国基层治理成效的肯定。"You Chinese people really take good care of the elderly—it's really great!" exclaimed MOHAMMAD MUJTABA SADEQI, an international student from Afghanistan, in fluent Chinese in the community service center hall. This statement is not only praise for the community services but also a recognition of the effectiveness of China's grassroots governance. 图15,国科大国际学院与老山东里北社区工作人员合照Figure 15,  Group Photo of UCAS International College and Lao Shandong Li Bei Community Staff          从年轮读懂森林,从社区看见中国,是中国绿色发展最生动的国际表达。通过植树造林与社区参访相结合的国情实践教育,国际学子们深入理解了党建引领下的基层社会治理模式,真切感受到生态文明建设与民生福祉的深度融合。一个更加立体真实的中国画卷正通过这场国情教育徐徐展开。Understanding forests through tree rings, seeing China through communities—this is the most vivid international expression of China’s green development. Through a national education program combining afforestation with community visits, international students gained deep insights into the grassroots social governance model under Party leadership and experienced firsthand the profound integration of ecological civilization and people’s well-being. A more multidimensional and authentic picture of China is gradually unfolding through this educational journey.          松柏苗随风摇曳,在朗日清风里傲展身姿;土坝连成同心圆,在青山绿野间紧密相接。首钢文化薪火相传,百炼钢终成绕指柔情;“小巷总理”挑起民生重担,在欢声笑语中如沐春风。从工业文明到生态文明,从钢铁意志到民生温度,生态文明与基层建设的生动画卷时刻表达着中国社会的治理智慧。Pine and cypress saplings sway in the wind, standing tall in the clear breeze and bright sunlight. Earth dams form concentric circles, closely connected amid green mountains and fields. The spirit of Shougang’s culture is passed down through generations, where tempered steel softens into resilience. The “Alley Prime Minister” shoulders the burden of people’s livelihoods, bringing warmth and joy to the community. From industrial civilization to ecological civilization, from the iron will of steel to the heartfelt care for people's well-being, the vivid tapestry of ecological progress and grassroots governance constantly showcases the wisdom of China’s social governance.         这个春天,中外青年携手‘一带一路’建设,在广袤的土地上继续书写心连心的新篇章。 This spring, young people from China and abroad join hands in building the Belt and Road, continuing to write a new chapter of heart-to-heart connections across vast lands. 文字/张雪雅摄影/徐惠怡,老山社区工作人员Text by Zhang XueyaPhotography by Xu Huiyi and Laoshan Community Staff

The Full Complete of 2024 Spring School on Frontier and Interdisciplinary Sciences for International Students in IC-UCAS
The Full Complete of 2024 Spring School on Frontier and Interdisciplinary Sciences for International Students in IC-UCAS
by admin - May 11, 2024

2024 Spring School on Frontier and Interdisciplinary Sciences 21st April to 26th April, 2024The 2024 Spring School on Frontier and Interdisciplinary Sciences for International Students in IC-UCAS has held successfully from 21st April to 26th April, 2024 in the city of Dongguan, Guangdong Province. This activity has been organized by the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS), co-organized by the Institute of Physics ("IP"), and hosted by Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory(hereinafter referred to as the "Songshan Lab".中国科学院大学2024年国际学生前沿与交叉科学春季学校于2024年4月21日-26日在广东东莞成功举办。此活动由中国科学院大学(简称“国科大”)主办,由中国科学院物理研究所(简称“物理所”)协办,由松山湖材料实验室(简称“实验室”)承办。Thirty-four excellent overseas students coming from eight countries and 15 training units gathered together at the city of Dongguan, together with 12 education management faculty. This spring school gathered high-level faculty from the Institute of Physics and Songshan Lab to lecture about cross-science courses in physics, materials science and engineering, chemical engineering and technology, as well as related advanced science and technology fields. Meanwhile the "National Panorama Learning Workshop"(the 4th session), open to the international and management teams of UCAS and its training units has been carried out simultaneously.34名来自8个国家、15个培养单位的优秀留学生以及12名教育管理干部齐聚东莞。本次春季学校汇集了物理所、实验室的高水平师资力量,为学员讲授了物理学、材料科学与工程、化学工程与技术以及相关先进科技领域的交叉科学课程。同时,面向国科大各培养单位国际教育管理干部的国情教育学习班(第四期)在春季学校期间同步开展。Part I. Opening CeremonyOn the morning of 22nd April, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Spring School has been held in the meeting room 204, which is located at the meeting centre of the Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory. The vice director of the Office, Guangyu Zhang, director assistant Gelan Cheng, and many teaching experts, representatives from the education management teams as well as the whole group of participating students showed up at the opening ceremony. The vice President of IC-UCAS, Professor Feng Chen hosted the ceremony.4月22日上午,春季学校开幕式在松山湖材料实验室会议中心204会议室举行。实验室副主任张广宇,实验室主任助理程戈岚、部分授课专家、各培养单位的教育管理干部代表和全体学员出席了开幕式。开幕式由国科大国际学院陈锋副院长主持。Group photo of the opening ceremonyAt the opening ceremony, the vice director of the Songshan Lab, researcher Guangyu Zhang has extended a warm welcome to the managing representatives and all participants from the training units of UCAS.He encouraged the participants to discuss the scientific research outcomes and and to share their most advanced thoughts or mindsets, with a sincere hope that they will further explore the scientific research field like climbing a high mountain, so as to make their own contribution to scientific and cultural exchanges internationally.开幕式上,实验室副主任张广宇研究员对于培养单位的各位教育管理干部代表以及全体学员的到来表达了热烈的欢迎,鼓励参与者积极探讨、分享最前沿的科学成果和思想,期待他们在学术领域中勇攀高峰,为推动国际科学和文化交流做出积极贡献。Speech delivered by Prof. GuangyuvZhangAfterwards, Vice executive president Professor Chen from IC-UCAS expressed heart-felt thanks to the Institute of Physics and Songshan Lab for their thoughtful arrangements and neat organization. He also said that the management teams and overseas students are welcome to participate this kind of activity. He introduced the development and historical changes of the spring school, e.g. the learning workshop has carried on a very glorious mission that the year of 2024 marks the first decade of the Spring School since its first inauguration in 2014, showcasing the high expectation towards the full period of this activity.随后,国科大国际学院行政副院长陈锋对物理所和实验室在活动筹办过程中提供的帮助表示了衷心的感谢,陈锋对到来的留学生学员和教育管理干部代表们表示了欢迎,介绍了国际学院春季学校活动的发展历史沿革,指出2024年是春季学校开展的第十年,明确了国情教育学习班肩负的光荣使命,表达了对于本次活动圆满成功的殷切期待。Speech delivered by Prof. Feng ChenAt the opening ceremony of the learning workshop, Professor Shuangyun Zhou/Chou, the director of the Office of Graduate Students Affairs from the Institute of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered the running flag to the Songshan Lake Materials Lab. The fourth session of the learning and training workshop has kicked off when the assistant director of the Lab took the flag from its predecessor.在国情教育班开班仪式上,中国科学院西双版纳植物研究所研究生处处长周双云老师将国情教育学习班流动大旗交给了松山湖材料实验室,实验室主任助理程戈岚接过旗帜,标志着国科大留学生教育管理干部国情教育学习班第四期的正式开班。Flag-given ceremonyPart II. Frontiers LecturesThe expert panel of the spring school is composed of senior scientists from the Institute of Physics and the Songshan Lake Lab, as well as a group of young scientists. Thanks to the high-level teaching resources, the academic lectures cover the following topics: Amorphous Alloy Coupling Metal materials, 2-D materials, Space Materials, Spintronic Quantum Materials, Environment and Energy High Polymer Materials, Biomedical materials, Advanced Steel and Iron Materials, Data-Driven Materials, etc., emphasizing the significance of cross-disciplinary academic exchanges.春季学校的专家团队由物理所和实验室的资深科学家和青年科学家共同组成,借助顶级师资力量,学术讲座涵盖了非晶合金材料、二维材料、空间材料、自旋量子材料、环境与能源高分子材料、生物医用材料、先进钢铁材料、数据驱动材料计算等多个领域,着重强调了跨学科学术交流的重要性。On 22nd, April, researcher Wu Hao introduced the application of quantum materials in spintronic with the topic of “Quantum Materials for Spintronic Applications”. And researcher Wang Xin discussed the application of polymers in aqueous batteries, highlighted how to optimize the performance of batteries by tuning the interface and solvent structure, and showcased the integration between environmental science and study and physics, biology and chemistry, etc. 4月22日,吴昊研究员以“Quantum Materials for Spintronic applications”为题,介绍了量子材料在自旋电子学的应用。王欣研究员的报告“Polymers in aqueous batteries: tuning of interface and solvent structure”探讨了聚合物在水系电池中的应用,着重介绍了如何通过调节界面和溶剂结构来优化电池性能,体现了环境科学研究与物理学、生物学和化学等学科的交叉融合特色。Themed on “Material Wonderland in the Fridge”, researcher Shang Baoshuang introduced the qualities of material and its testing methods with a tricky way that lured the students to become interested in the seemingly difficult topic. The report “A brief introduction of integrated Silicon Photonics”, delivered by researcher Zhang Weiwei, also allowed students to learn about optical communications and sensor system, which combined photonics and Silicon integrated circuits and to have a close peer at the theory, application and development trend as well as related research progress of the topic.4月23日,尚宝双特聘研究员以“Material Wonderland in the Fridge”为题目的报告,深入浅出地介绍了材料具备的各种性质和测试方法,引发了同学们的极大兴趣。张巍巍研究员的报告“A brief introduction of Integrated Silicon Photonics”介绍了光子学与硅集成电路相结合的光通信与传感系统,向学员们展示原理、应用、发展趋势以及相关研究进展。On April 24, researcher Yuanchao Hu's presentation "The New Era of Materials Science Research" explained the role of advanced experimental and computational techniques in materials science research and the impact of interdisciplinary collaborations in advancing the field of materials science. While, in the fellow researcher Xian Lede’s presentation "Designing Twisted Two Dimensional Materials as Morie Quantum Simulators", the design and application of two-dimensional materials as quantum simulators were demonstrated clearly to the students.4月24日,胡远超研究员的报告“The New Era of Materials Science Research”阐述了先进实验和计算技术在材料科学研究中的作用,以及跨学科合作对推动材料科学领域的影响。冼乐德研究员的报告“Designing Twisted Two Dimensional Materials as Morie Quantum Simulators”中,向学员们展示了二维材料作为量子模拟器的设计和应用。On 25th April, researcher Zhang Guangyu’s presentation focused on the topic of "Two-Dimensional Semiconductors and Devices", he introduced the research progress on two-dimensional semiconductors and devices, and shared the exploration of novel materials, innovation in device design and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.And after that, Dr. Liang Zhiyuan delivered a report entitled "Advanced high strength steels for automobile applications" to demonstrate the potential of advanced high strength steels in automotive design and manufacturing, and highlighting their importance in the automotive industry for the performance, efficiency and sustainability improvement.4月25日,张广宇研究员带来了报告“Two-Dimensional Semiconductors and Devices”, 介绍了关于二维半导体和器件方面的研究进展,分享了新型材料的探索、器件设计的创新以及跨学科合作的重要性。梁志远研究员的报告“Advanced high strength steels for automobile applications” 展示了先进高强度钢材在汽车设计和制造中的应用潜力,突显了其在汽车行业中提升性能、效率和可持续性的重要性。On April 26, Dr. Bo Zhang's presentation "Ultra-stable Ce-based Metallic Glass" provided an important insight into the research and applications of Ce-based metallic glasses, demonstrating their potential value and prospects for development in materials science and engineering. And in researcher Zhang Ye's presentation "Engineering Biomaterials to Regulate Integrin Spatial Distribution", the students can learn about how biomaterials engineering can affect cellular behavior by regulating the spatial distribution of integrins, and learn about how to apply the design and application of materials in the biomedical field.4月26日,张博研究员的报告“Ultrastable Ce-based Metallic Glass”,在Ce基金属玻璃的研究和应用提供了重要见解,展示了Ce基金属玻璃在材料科学和工程中的潜在价值和发展前景。张晔研究员的报告“Engineering Biomaterials to Regulate Integrin Spatial Distribution” 阐述了生物材料工程如何通过调控整合素的空间分布来影响细胞行为,提供了从生物医学领域的材料设计和应用的新思路。Photos taken at the lecturesPart III. On-site Observing and LearningThis Spring School has also arranged an on-site learning at China Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS), Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory and Dongguan Haili Chemical Materials Ltd for the participants. This activity enabled the education management faculty and students to learn about the CSNS that the world's fourth and China's first pulse-type spallation neutron source is a large platform for international frontiers basic research and national development strategy as well as cross-disciplinary studies. They have fully experienced the sci-tech innovation atmosphere and the huge potential in multi disciplines, learned about the “Three Quality(sanpin) Theory” and its aim to become a base for new materials R&D in southern China with global influence. The business mode which combines proxy sales and self research and development of HaiLi company also has left a deep impression on them. This short trip not only provided the participants a great opportunity to learn about the innovation and development in the research and production of materials science, and also inspired the students to think about/ponder over the future development of sci-tech development and industry applications.本次春季学校安排了对于中国散裂中子源(China Spallation Neutron Source, CSNS)、松山湖材料实验室和东莞海丽化学材料有限公司的实地实习。通过实习,教育干部和学员们感受到CSNS作为我国首台、世界第四台脉冲型散裂中子源,是国际前沿基础研究和国家发展战略领域多学科交叉研究的大型平台,感受到科研创新氛围以及在多学科交叉研究领域的巨大潜力,了解到松山湖材料实验室特色的“三品论”,和致力于成为国际影响力的新材料研发南方基地的建设目标,对海丽集团的代理销售与自主研发生产相结合的商业模式留下深刻印象。通过了解材料科学研究以及材料生产等领域的创新和发展,同时激发了学员们对未来科技发展和产业应用的思考和启示。  On-site learning group photosPart IV. National Panoroma Education ClassOn April 25th, 2024, the trainees came to Humen Sea Battle Museum to pay a visit. The Museum is an important witness to the development of China in the contemporary era(1840-1949), and it is also a witness to the striving process of the nation of People's Republic of China, as well as Chinese people's spirits of resilience against foreign invasion. This journey not only expands the horizon of the trainees, but also helped them further understand and learn about Chinese culture and traditions. The students stated, that through this visit, they will cherish the valuable experience and opportunity provided by UCAS to respect Chinese history and pay high attribute to its glorious achievements. They have also deeply knew about the significance of the mutual cultural exchanges and communications, as well as mutual learning between civilizations.4月25日,学员们到虎门海战博物馆进行参观。虎门为中国近代历史的重要见证者,见证了中国抵御侵略的坚韧精神以及中华民族的奋斗历程。本次行程拓宽了学员们的历史视野,还增进了他们对中国文化和传统的理解。学生们表示,通过此次参观,他们更加珍惜和尊重中国历史的辉煌成就,也更深刻地认识到了中外文化之间的交流与互鉴的重要性。Visiting the Humen Sea Battle MuseumPart V. Closing CeremonyOn 26th, April, 2024, the closing ceremony of the Spring School has been held successfully at the Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory. As we have mentioned before, that this year marks the first decade of the series activity of the School with Characteristics organized and held by the International College of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. After its closure, a multi-cultural communication and friendship Gala was held, many of the students actively took part in the after-party and showed the teachers and their fellow students their cool talents, which embodies their cultural backgrounds, such as dancing and singing. The feast of their performance impressed almost everyone present and especially the quick Q&A session in terms of their national conditions, pushed the whole activity to a climax. Up to now, the 2024 Spring School has approached a full stop.4月26日,春季学校在实验室举行了闭幕式,2024年是国科大国际学院开办系列特色学校的第10年,具有格外的纪念意义。授课教师及教育管理干部一起为学员们颁发了冬季学校结业证书。结业仪式后,举行了多元文化交流联欢会,学员们积极展示各自的才艺,表演了体现各国文化的舞蹈和歌曲,活动精彩纷呈,国情教育知识抢答更是让人印象深刻,达到了办学的初衷。本次春季学校至此圆满落幕。Closing CeremonyThis activity is jointly funded by the International College of UCAS, CAS-ANSO and the International Centre for Theoretical Physic Asia-Pacific, a category 2 centre under the auspices of the UNESCO. 本活动由中国科学院大学国际学院、CAS-ANSO项目以及联合国教科文组织二类中心-亚太国际理论物理中心资助。

International students visited the Beijing 12345 Citizen Service Hotline Centre and the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone
International students visited the Beijing 12345 Citizen Service Hotline Centre and the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone
by admin - Mar 30, 2024

On the afternoon of 26th March 2024, more than thirty international students from the International College of UCAS visited the Beijing 12345 Citizen Service Hotline Centre and the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone under the guidance of the leaders and teachers of the College.This activity is a part of our international students' education of Chinese national context, aiming to enhance their understanding of China's social governance, public services, scientific and technological innovation and industrial modernization development in the new era, and to let them feel the high quality of the capital city Beijing's external services, in anticipation that these international students will play a bridging role in Beijing's international exchanges in the future.As the first stop of their visit, the team of international students arrived at the Beijing 12345 Citizen Service Hotline Centre and visited the answering hall, network service centre and other places. They learnt about the operation mode of the Citizen Service Hotline by watching the data analysis screen and the answering staff, had a personal experience of answering calls from the citizens, and watched a film about the hotline in the integrated dispatching hall. The 12345 Citizen Service Hotline is a window of China's national context, especially in social governance, and it is a bridge of communication between the government and the public. Through their visit, the international students intuitively understood the duties and achievements of the Citizen Service Hotline, and therefore felt the determination and initiatives of the government of China to efficiently serve the society, as well as the CPC's original aspiration and founding mission to serve the people.Afterwards, the team arrived at the Beijing High-level Automatic Driving Demonstration Zone, where some international students experienced automatic driving in a demonstration vehicle, and were deeply impressed by the integration of driverlessness, intelligent transport and artificial intelligence interaction. In the Innovation and Operation Centre, the staff explained the operation of autonomous driving and examples of technological innovation, and the students of related majors also discussed technical issues with the staff of the demonstration zone.In recent years, China's intelligent driving and other new technologies and industries have flourished, and international co-operation in related fields has continued to increase. The students of International College mainly come from the countries along the Belt and Road, after this visit, they deeply felt the potential and charm of China's technological development, which deepened their understanding of China's scientific and technological development, and strengthened their confidence in the future of AI and autonomous driving technology. As a vivid example of national context education and science dissemination, the visit adds impetus to China's high-tech and new industries to go abroad and promote international cooperation in science and technology.This activity is a new initiative to promote our international students' national context education in a more in-depth and practical way, which is conducive to showing the society of China in the new era and depicting a more comprehensive and real China.

The International College of the University of UCAS met with the Cultural Counsellor of the Yemeni Embassy and the representative of the Yemeni Students Union in China
The International College of the University of UCAS met with the Cultural Counsellor of the Yemeni Embassy and the representative of the Yemeni Students Union in China
by admin - Sep 17, 2023

9月13日,也门驻华大使馆文化参赞Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah协助5位也门新生办理入学报到,并给国际学院带来了感谢证书。中国科学院大学学术副校长吴岳良院士欢迎Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah及也门在华学生联盟代表。 国际学院执行副院长胡中波、国际学院行政副院长陈锋及部分国际学院管理人员参与会见。On September 13th , Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah, Cultural Counselor of Yemeni Embassy in China, assisted five Yemeni freshmen to register for admission and presented a certificate of appreciation to the International College. Academician Wu Yueliang, Academic Vice President of UCAS, expressed welcome to Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah and representatives of Yemeni Students’  Union in China. Mr. Hu Zhongbo, Executive Vice Dean of International College, Chen Feng, Executive Vice Dean of International College, and some managers of International College attended the meeting.吴岳良副校长对Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah一行的到来表示欢迎,吴岳良向来宾介绍了国科大国际教育的基本情况并表示,也门与中国之间的友好关系历久弥新,中国科学院大学非常欢迎来自也门的学生,期待进一步加强双方的合作与交流。Vice President Wu Yueliang welcomed the arrival of Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah and his delegation. Academician Wu Yueliang briefed the guests on the basic situation of international education of UCAS, and said that the friendly relations between Yemen and China have a long history and display even more vitality. He also noted that UCAS welcomed students from Yemen, and he looked forward to further strengthening cooperation and exchanges between the two sides.国际学院执行院长胡中波在发言中表示了对也门学生的热烈欢迎和支持。胡中波表示,期望未来能看到更多的也门青年在这片学术的沃土上绽放才华,为中也两国的友好关系注入新的活力。Mr. Hu Zhongbo, Executive Dean of International College, expressed warm welcome and support to Yemeni students in his speech. Mr. Hu Zhongbo expressed the hope that in the future, more Yemeni youths will display their talents in academic fields and inject new vitality into the friendly relations between China and Yemen. Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah对中国科学院大学的学术声誉表示高度认可,Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah表示,希望未来有更多的也门学生能够在这里学习。Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabia提到,尊师重教是传统美德,他祝贺所有的教师和工作人员中国教师节快乐。也门学生代表向中国科学院大学表达了感谢,感谢中国科学院大学国际学院对也门学生的持续支持和关心。他表示,在国科大学习的也门学生在学术研究方面取得了很好的成果,为此他们感到非常自豪。Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah highly recognized the academic reputation of UCAS and expressed the hope that more Yemeni students can study in UCAS in the future. Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabia mentioned that respecting teachers and attaching importance to teaching is a traditional virtue in China, and he congratulated all teachers and staff on a happy Teachers’ Day in China. Representatives of Yemeni students expressed their gratitude to UCAS, and thanked IC-UCAS for its continuous support and concern for Yemeni students. He said that Yemeni students studying in UCAS have achieved good results in academic research, of which they are very proud. 会见中,Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah代表也门驻华大使馆向中国科学院大学国际学院颁发了感谢证书,感谢学院在国际人才培养上对也门做出的贡献。During the meeting, Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah, on behalf of the Yemeni Embassy in China, presented a certificate of appreciation to IC-UCAS for its contribution to Yemen's international talent training. 此次会面加深了双方在教育领域的合作和理解,为双方共同推进中也两国在教育与文化领域的进一步合作创造了良好基础。The meeting deepened the cooperation and understanding between the two sides in the field of education, and laid a good foundation for the two sides to jointly promote further cooperation between China and Yemen in education and culture.

2023 IC-UCAS Opening Ceremony and Orientation Successfully Held at Yuquanlu Campus, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2023 IC-UCAS Opening Ceremony and Orientation Successfully Held at Yuquanlu Campus, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
by admin - Sep 16, 2023

中国科学院大学国际学院开学典礼暨入学教育活动顺利开展2023 IC-UCAS Opening Ceremony and Orientation Successfully Held at Yuquanlu Campus, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2023年9月13日,中国科学院大学国际学院在玉泉路校区礼堂隆重举行2023级新生开学典礼暨入学教育活动。活动由国际学院行政副院长陈锋博士主持。第一阶段325名刚刚报到的国际学生新生,分别来自42个国家67个研究所,参加了典礼,正式开启了在国科大、在中国的留学生活。On September 13, 2023, the International College of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences held the opening ceremony and orientation for international students at the Auditorium of Yuquanlu Campus. The event was hosted by Dr. Chen Feng, the Administrative Vice Dean of the International College. 325 newly enrolled international students from 42 countries who registered in 67 research institutes participated in the ceremony, marking the beginning of their overseas study journey at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.学术副校长吴岳良院士寄语新生:历经三年疫情,留学的路并不易行,但新生们凭借坚韧和毅力克服了所有挑战。吴岳良指出,中国科学院大学凭借其科教融合的模式为学生提供了前所未有的学术机会和文化交流机会。他对学院国际交流平台中外文明与文化交流中心寄予厚望,期望它成为中外学生国际文化交流的重要舞台,助力国家“一带一路”倡议及人类命运共同体建设。Academician Wu Yueliang , Academic Vice President of UCAS, addressed the new students, emphasizing that despite the challenges posed by the three-year pandemic, their journey to study abroad was not an easy one. He commended the students for their resilience and determination in overcoming these challenges. Academician Wu Yueliang pointed out that the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, through its fusion of scientific research and teaching, offers unprecedented academic and cultural exchange opportunities for students. He expressed high hopes for the Chinese-Foreign Center for Civilization and Cultural Exchange of the college, expecting it to become a significant platform for international cultural exchange between Chinese and foreign students, thereby contributing to the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.学术副校长吴岳良院士致辞Address by Academician Wu Yueliang, Academic Vice President of UCAS国际学院常务副院长胡中波致辞Address by Mr. Hu Zhongbo, Executive Vice Dean of IC-UCAS国际学院专业课教师代表,中国科学院过程所研究员刘晓星向国际学生介绍了国科大作为教育和科研机构的卓越地位,他强调了语言障碍和文化差异对国际学生的影响,鼓励他们积极交流和包容不同文化,鼓励学生积极参与中国的文化和生活,去探索丰富多彩的中国文化。Representing the faculty of professional courses, Mr. Liu Xiaoxing, a researcher from the Institute of Process Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences as an outstanding educational and research institution. He emphasized the potential challenges posed by language barriers and cultural differences for international students and encouraged them to actively communicate with each other and embrace different cultures. Mr. Liu also encouraged students to actively engage in Chinese culture and life and explore the rich and diverse culture of China.刘晓星代表专业课教师代表发言Speech by Mr. Liu Xiaoxing, faculty representative of professional courses国际学院汉语课教师代表陆逸飞在发言中鼓励国际学生拥抱中文的美丽。学习汉语将深化您与中国文化的纽带。与此同时,探索北京这座美丽的城市,珍惜每一刻留学时光。Representing the Chinese language instructors at the International College, Mr. Lu Yifei encouraged international students to embrace the beauty of the Chinese language. Learning Chinese will deepen their connection with Chinese culture. At the same time, he recommended students to explore the beautiful city of Beijing and cherish every moment of their experience of studying abroad.陆逸飞代表汉语课教师代表发言Speech by Mr. Lu Yifei, representative of Chinese language instructors来自俄罗斯的留学生新生代表,生物化学与分子生物学专业的LOPUKHINA POLINA表示,这段旅程充满挑战与兴奋。北京是文化融合之都,国科大连接着全国数百所研究机构,形成科研网络。在这里,教授和学生汇聚一堂,共同追求科学的热爱。知识、奉献、探究、美德是科学家的特质,但还有更多品质使伟大科学家。希望在国科大的指导下,国际学生能发现自己的道路,为科学世界带来新意。Representing the new international students from Russia, Polina Lopukhina, majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology, expressed that this journey was filled with challenges and excitement. Beijing is a city of cultural fusion, and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences connects hundreds of research institutions across the country, forming a research network. Here, professors and students come together to pursue their passion for science. Knowledge, dedication, inquiry, and virtue are the qualities of scientists, but there are even more qualities that make great scientists. She hoped that under the guidance of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, international students could discover their own paths and bring new ideas to the world of science.学生代表LOPUKHINA POLINA(俄罗斯籍)发言Speech by student representative Polina Lopukhina (Russia)开学典礼现场举行了中国科学院大学中外文明与文化交流中心揭幕仪式,文化融合的崭新篇章正式拉开序幕,在场嘉宾、教职员工以及学生代表共同见证了这一重要时刻。中国科学院大学国际学院中外文明与文化交流中心旨在整体谋划“大思政”体系下我校留学生国情教育相关活动,促进文明互鉴和世界各国文化之间的互动和交流;这一中心也将成为一个重要的国际交流平台,搭建桥梁的同时,为学生提供更广泛的国际视野,培养具备全球化素养的杰出人才,为我校国际教育高质量高水平发展提供一定的推动作用。During the opening ceremony, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences unveiled the Chinese-Foreign Center for Civilization and Cultural Exchange, marking the beginning of a new chapter in cultural integration. Distinguished guests, faculty and staff, and student representatives witnessed this important moment. The Chinese-Foreign Center for Civilization and Cultural Exchange of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences aims to plan activities related to national condition education for international students under the "integration of ideological and political education with general education" system, promote mutual learning between civilizations, and boost interactions and exchange among cultures of various countries. This center will also serve as an important international exchange platform, bridging gaps and providing students with a broader international perspective while cultivating outstanding talents with global competence, thereby contributing to the high-quality and high-level development of international education of UCAS.现场领导、嘉宾、部分学生为中心欢庆Leaders, guests and students celebrated for the center入学教育环节,石景山分局出入境大队的田佳警官向新生介绍了出入境相关法律法规,石景山分局内保大队的杨伯强警官向新生普及了反诈知识,心理健康教育中心的潇悦文老师介绍了国科大心理健康教育中心的职能,并欢迎同学们有需要的时候及时向专业人员寻求帮助。During the orientation segment, Officer Tian Jia from the Exit-Entry Administration Brigade, Shijingshan Branch of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau introduced relevant laws and regulations regarding entry and exit to the new students. Officer Yang Boqiang from the Security Brigade, Shijingshan Branch educated students about anti-fraud measures. Ms. Xiao Yuewen, from the UCAS Psychological Health Education Center, introduced the functions of the center and welcomed students to seek professional help when necessary.石景山分局内保大队的杨伯强警官向新生普及反诈知识Officer Yang Boqiang educated students about anti-fraud measures心理健康教育中心潇悦文做心理健康讲座Ms. Xiao Yuewen, from UCAS Psychological Health Education Center, shared psychological health knowledge全体师生及嘉宾合影留念A group photo of all faculty, students, and guests was taken to commemorate the occasion

No Dragon Boat, No Dragon Boat Festival |  The First International Dragon Boat Race at Yanqi Lake Successfully Held
No Dragon Boat, No Dragon Boat Festival | The First International Dragon Boat Race at Yanqi Lake Successfully Held
by admin - Jun 20, 2023

The First International Dragon Boat Race at Yanqi Lake, organized by the International College of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese-Foreign Civilization and Culture Exchange Center of International College in UCAS, kicked off on June 17, 2023, at 8 a.m. 17 teams from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, comprising both Chinese and foreign participants, gathered by the shores of Yanqi Lake to compete in the dragon boat race, showcasing the passion and charm of this traditional Chinese sport. The beautiful scenery of Yanqi Lake once again became the stage for cultural exchange between China and the world.奋楫争先迎端午, 2023年6月17日8时,由国科大国际学院,中外文明文化交流中心主办的首届龙入栖湖·中外龙舟赛鸣锣开场。国科大17支中外籍参赛队伍汇聚雁栖湖畔,以赛会友,共同享受赛龙舟这项中华民族传统竞技运动的激情与魅力,雁栖湖畔的美丽景色再次成为了中外文化交流的舞台。Dragon Boat龙舟The Yanqi Lake Campus of the UCAS boasts unique advantages for hosting dragon boat races. Located adjacent to the campus is picturesque mountains and a serene lake, where the reflection of the Great Wall can be seen on the water's surface. The shimmering lake presents a beautiful and poetic scene. The campus is situated in Huairou District, which is surrounded by distant mountains and embraces the Huairou National Comprehensive Science Center. It serves as a nurturing ground for scientific research and innovation. Students from various countries come together at this campus, fostering cultural exchange and mutual learning. It is a place where science and culture blend harmoniously. 国科大雁栖湖校区有着得天独厚的龙舟赛事举办优势,校区旁山光水色,湖光映着长城,一湖碧波荡漾,如诗如画。校区的所在地国际会都怀柔,衔远山,抱怀科学城,托举着科学与创新,各国学子在此相聚,多样文明在此同台互鉴,科学与文化在这里交融。International students dressed in Hanfu entered the scene国际学生身着汉服入场The dragon boat event consisted of two parts: the Dragon Boat Race and the Dragon Boat Festival Carnival. In the early morning, students gradually entered the park. The Dragon Boat Festival Carnival, "Enjoying Zongzi from All Corners of China," featured activities such as archery, zongzi fishing, and knowledge quizzes. International students dressed in Hanfu (traditional Chinese clothing) participated in archery, while their fellow students from the School of Future Technology focused on catching zongzi. The harmonious coexistence of different cultures and eras created a lively and warm atmosphere for the Dragon Boat Festival celebration.此次龙舟活动由端午游园会及龙舟赛两个部分组成,清晨八时许,同学们陆续入园。五湖四海“粽”享端午游园会包含射五毒、钓粽子、知识竞答等节目活动,有身着汉服的国际学生手持弓箭射五毒,也有身着未来技术学院文化衫的同学全神贯注钓粽子,中外古今相映成趣,人们在游园会中相互交流,欢声笑语,呈现出欢快而温馨的端午庆祝图景。 Shooting the Five Poisons射五毒Catching zongzi钓粽子The participating teams took an oath on-site参赛队伍誓师现场Professor Hu Zhongbo, Executive Vice Dean of the International College, delivered the opening speech for the dragon boat race. He emphasized that the dragon boat race not only relies on collective cooperation and personal perseverance but also encompasses scientific ingenuity. IC-UCAS and the Chinese-Foreign Civilization and Culture Exchange Center of International College in UCAS have brought this ancient sport to Yanqi Lake, a place of great significance for China's international exchanges. It has been given a new mission to serve as a medium for cultural exchange, collision, and integration between China and the world. The 17 participating teams represent different cultures, backgrounds, and fields of knowledge. Their competition represents the intertwining of science, physical fitness, and diverse civilizations. This competition will serve as a bridge connecting Chinese and foreign civilizations, promoting students' comprehensive development and deepening their global perspectives. Also, this competition will embody the spirit of "cultivating the body while cultivating the mind." The head coach of the dragon boat team and representatives of Chinese and foreign students took the oath of participation. Vice President Wu Yueliang(Member of CAS) and Executive Vice Dean Hu Zhongbo jointly inaugurated the dragon boat race.国际学院常务副院长胡中波为龙舟赛致开幕辞,胡中波提到,中国科学院大学国际学院、中外文明与文化交流中心将这项古老的运动,带到了国际会都怀柔,雁栖湖畔,这个承载着中国对外交往的重要使命的地方,它被赋予了新的使命,成为中外文化交流、碰撞、融合的媒介。参赛的17支队伍,是来自不同文化、背景、知识领域的代表,他们之间的比赛,是科学和体能的交织,是多样文明的同台互鉴。希望这次比赛能成为链接中外文明的桥梁、推动学生全面发展,深化全球视野的催化剂,希望这次比赛能够在“野蛮其体魄”的同时“文明其精神”。龙舟赛主教练及中外学生代表分别进行了参赛宣誓。国科大学术副校长吴岳良院士与国际学院常务副院长胡中波共同为龙舟点睛。Hu Zhongbo delivered the opening speech胡中波致开幕辞Vice President Wu Yueliang(Member of CAS) and Executive Vice Dean Hu Zhongbo jointly inaugurated the dragon boat race.吴岳良、胡中波为龙舟赛开幕点睛Wu Yueliang announced that The First International Dragon Boat Race at Yanqi Lake officially began!吴岳良院士宣布,首届龙入栖湖·中外龙舟赛比赛正式开始!After a relaxed and enjoyable warm-up training session, the competition proceeded to the preliminary races, divided into Group A and Group B. On the racecourse, where sweat, strength, and determination intertwined, the participants strove forward with vigor and the shouts of their teammates, resembling the beating of war drums. 8 teams emerged as the finalists.在轻松愉快的适应性训练热身之后,大赛分为A、B两组进行初赛选拔。汗水、力量和决心交织成的水上赛道上,选手们奋勇向前,无论是划水的频率,还是同伴的呐喊,都如同战鼓般疾速而有力。八支队伍从中脱颖而出,晋级决赛。The scene of the competition was filled with excitement and energy比赛现场The atmosphere in the finals became even more intense as the participants reviewed their performance, adjusted their strategies, and fought fiercely for victory. In the end, the teams "Fe2O3"from School of Chemical Engineering, "Champion of Paddling," from School of Cyber Security and "Exuding Excellence" from College of Advanced Agriculture Sciences secured the first, second, and third places respectively. "Fast Sailors 1" from International College and "龘龘龘龘" from School of Cyber Security achieved the fourth and fifth places.决赛的气氛更是紧张到了极点,选手们纷纷总结得失、调整策略为最后的胜利奋力拼搏。最终来自化学工程学院的四氧化三铁队、网络空间与安全学院的划水冠军队以及现代农学院的赛出风采队突出重围依次获得冠军、亚军、季军,国际学院 "Fast Sailors 1" 队、网络空间与安全学院的“龘龘龘龘”队斩获第四名以及第五名。Champions: Fe2O3 (School of Chemical Engineering)冠军 :四氧划三铁队(化学工程学院)Runner-up: “Champion of Paddling” (School of Cyber Security)亚军:划水冠军队(网络空间与安全学院)Third place: Exuding Excellence (College of Advanced Agriculture Sciences)季军:赛出风采队(现代农学院)Soharb, an international student from the team "Fast Sailors 1," achieved a satisfactory fourth place. In the interview, he expressed he now understands the Dragon Boat Festival, including the poet Qu Yuan, and mentioned the importance of early preparation for the competition. Gan Zhaowang, a student from the champion team "Fe2O3," attributed their outstanding performance to previous training and teamwork. He mentioned that one of their teammates had previous experience as a main paddler in the university team, who shared their technical knowledge and even conducted demonstrations using chairs and shovels in the classroom. The team's unity and mutual encouragement played a significant role as well. He proudly said, "We encouraged each other even when we were exhausted in the finals, and we believed we could be champions. In the end, we truly became champions!"国际学生Soharb所在的队伍 “Fast Sailors 1”取得了第四名的成绩,他在接受采访中表示:“我以前了解过划龙舟,但是没有参加过,这是我第一次参加划龙舟比赛,增进了我对端午节的了解,比如关于诗人屈原。这次比赛国际学生取得了满意的成绩,我们在初赛中取得了第二名的成绩,决赛取得第四名。我认为提前的准备非常重要,我们特地提前了解了这次比赛的情况、规则以及赛程,对我们帮助很大。” 甘昭旺同学来自冠军队伍“四氧化三铁队”,他在采访中讲到:“参加这次比赛主要是为了体验而非竞技,我们队取得的优异成绩主要和之前的训练有关。我们队里有一位同学曾经是校队主划手,他为我们传授了许多技术要领,在教室里用椅子和铁锹进行了演示教学。同时我们队内也非常团结、互相鼓励,大家在决赛力竭时仍互相鼓励我们是冠军,最后我们真的获得了冠军!”International student team: Fast Sailors国际学生代表队:Fast SailorsThe Dragon Lake Dragon Boat Race, held as part of the Dragon Boat Festival Carnival, showcased the brilliance of the students from UCAS. Although the competition of this year has ended, the friendship and spirit will endure. Whether immersed in the lively and joyous atmosphere of the carnival or engaged in the thrilling dragon boat race, every participant experienced the profoundness and vitality of Chinese civilization. This event not only presented a spectacular competition but also created a special memory of the Dragon Boat Festival. It provided an opportunity to understand and experience traditional Chinese culture and deepened the understanding of international exchanges. It was a practical demonstration of teamwork and the spirit of perseverance. 此次龙入栖湖·中外龙舟赛,以比赛为舞台,以科学为灵魂,以体育为载体,充分展现了国科大学子的风采,比赛虽然结束,但是友谊和精神却永存。无论是身处在热闹欢腾的游园会,还是在激烈刺激的龙舟赛,每个参与者都在过程中感受到了中国文明的厚重与活力。这不仅是一场精彩纷呈的赛事,更是这个端午节特殊的记忆,是对中国传统文化的理解和体验,是对国际交流的深度认知,是团队精神和拼搏精神的实践。Let us look forward to next year's Dragon Boat Race, anticipating more cultural exchanges and exciting moments. Without dragon boats, there would be no Dragon Boat Festival. We will once again break through the waves and compete at Yanqi Lake!让我们期待明年的龙舟赛,期待更多的文化交流,更多的精彩瞬间。无龙舟,不端午,来年再度破浪,再战雁栖!

Students from International College Enjoy  Badminton Competition in UCAS
Students from International College Enjoy Badminton Competition in UCAS
by admin - Sep 27, 2022

The 2022 Badminton Freshmen Competition, jointly organized by the UCAS Communist Youth League Committee of China and the UCAS International College (IC), kicked off on 24th and 25th September at the Gymnasium of Yanqi Lake East Campus.the Gymnasium of Yanqi Lake East CampusThe men's singles was held on 24th September, while the women's singles and men's doubles took place on 25th September. Considering the large number of participants, the field was divided into four zones to carry out fierce competitions simultaneously. The competitions were first played on a 21-point system. When it comes to eighth-final, it turned to best two of three games until the champion and runner-up were decided. IC participants included seven male singles players, three female singles players and two pairs of male doubles players.1      2022/9/24    Men's SinglesBall TossAt eight o'clock in the morning, the players arrived early to warm up. After they got ready, the organizers announced the start of the event in five courts. At the end of the first round, Umair, Qazi and L-HABABI were still on the field. After rounds of competitions, students continued to exceed themselves and the battle became more intense. Finally, Umair, the seeded player from IC, fought for every ball and made it all the way to win in the eighth-final. During the quarter final, other students gathered together to cheer for him and enjoyed the game. Despite his finally being defeated, Umair was undoubtedly the ACE of the day.2       2022/9/25  Women's Singles & Men's DoublesOn the second day of the competition, Anam, Misbah and Madeeha competed in the women's singles. Before the events, other players were keen to give advice and discuss tactics. Eventually, Madeeha advanced to the last 32.The men's doubles pair of Qazi/Umair and Fawad/Narendra from IC attracted attention for their clear division of labor and perfect cooperation. They both progressed to the last 16. In the eighth final, with Chinese and international students gathered together to watch the wonderful match. There are cheers and "jiayou" from time to time, as well as impromptu ditties from international students.Although the international students were not able to win the final match given the grueling games, their hard work on the field contributed to a spectacular performance and left us with memorable moments.The referees patiently explained the rules and reached impartial verdicts, while the players exchanged experience and cheered for both sides. They all kept in mind "friendship first, competition second".This activity is not only about running and leaping, but also handshakes and hugs. It is not about winning or losing, but friendship and benevolence, manifesting the spirit of sport.Friendship between StudentsStudents from different countries competed on the same court, showing their dynamic and feeling the joy of sports. The smiles on their faces demonstrated that they were really enjoying the game, which is the best proof of a successful badminton competition.IC Students being InterviewedAuthor & Photographs:  Wang YijunReviewer: Jiang YimingEditor: Yan Qinglin

Orientation Day for Students of International College
Orientation Day for Students of International College
by admin - Sep 18, 2022

On the morning of 17th September, 2022, the opening ceremony for the new academic year at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) was held in front of the library building at Yanqi Lake West Campus. Students and faculty from the International College attended the ceremony and took photos at the place nearest to science and the scientists.Aiming to help international students better adapt themselves to their campus life, the International College held two lectures in the auditorium hall of the library right after the opening ceremony.Security OrientationAfter a brief introduction, Mr. Zhang Hailong, the director of Huairou Police Station of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, delivered a speech on safety and gave the students a few reminders from accommodation registration to staying away from drugs. Mr. Zhang mentioned that international students should abide by Chinese laws, especially the Exit and Entry Administration Law of People’s Republic of China, respect China’s customs and follow the administration of UCAS and government organs during their stay in China. It’s also worth mentioning that Mr. Zhang called for the attention to the validity of students’ visas. At the end of the lecture, Mr. Zhang wished the students all success during their stay in China.How to Use LibraryAt the invitation of the International College, the school librarian Ms. Dong Yujia addressed on how to use Library. During the lecture, Ms. Dong gave a detailed introduction of the library’s facilities, online resources, etc. and showed the students around after the lecture.Starting from the the library’s building shape, which resembles siheyuan, a kind of representative Chinese residence, Ms. Dong went on to explain the Chinese characters written in seal script, an ancient Chinese writing style, which are finely engraved on the hall’s two walls. Those characters remind students of the ethos of the Academy of Sciences(CAS)-- “practicality, truth, cooperation and innovation”, as well as the motto of UCAS--“knowledge, devotion, wisdom, virtue”. Looking upwards, students were amazed by over 100 institute flags hanging above.Then, Ms. Dong showed the students the computer room, discussion room, training room,  lecture hall, etc. on the first floor. While passing by the leisure area, Ms. Dong stopped at the reading pavilion and a moveable silent booth beside it where students can read Chinese classics inside. She also showed the students how to use the self-service printers there.After that, students were led to the reading room donated by Celebritiesat the corner of the second floor. The first is the reading room of Cheng Siwei, who donated almost two thirds of his books to the school library. As the Father of Venture Capital, Cheng used to be a chemistry engineer, but he changed his major into economics and management when studying abroad. He is the former dean of the Institute of Management of the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the predecessor of UCAS.Next to the Reading Room of Cheng Siwei is another one houseing books donated from many other professors and academicians, including Professor Li Pei, the rose of CAS and the “mother of China’s applied linguistics”. Hearing the story of Li Pei and her husband--Guo Yonghuai, a scientist who devoted his life to the course of “Two bombs, One Satellite”, the students were deeply touched.Going upstairs, Ms. Dong introduced to the students the third floor where they can borrow books on self-service machines and read English magazines including the National Geography, Washington Post, the Economist , etc.At the end of the tour, Ms Dong said that she really hopes that students can make good use of the resources  and enjoy their stay in UCAS.The beginning of an academic year marks a fresh-new start for students. Thanks to the orientation day, students of the International College are now more confident to embark on the journey towards science and embrace their campus life with the beautiful Yanqi Lake.Author: Zhang LePhotographs: Mu JianchaoReviewer: Jiang YimingEditor: Yan Qinglin

by admin - Dec 22, 2021

On 23 December at 8pm, the International College held the WOMAN IN SCIENCE Forum, where more than 40 students from eight research institutes discussed online and offline the dilemmas, problems and opportunities that women scientists face.The event took place offline at the International Conference Centre of the Yanqi Lake Campus of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

International Student of UCAS Received Excellent Award in “iBeijing You and Me” Photography Contest
International Student of UCAS Received Excellent Award in “iBeijing You and Me” Photography Contest
by admin - Dec 6, 2021

"Beijing in the Eyes of Foreign Friends " Photo Contest organized by Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (BPAFFC) is successful held, 40 photographic works are selected for prize from the 1500 pictures received in this contest. Usman Ali and Muhammad Nadeem from UCAS, won the Excellent Outstanding Award. Muhammad Nadeem  got his master Degree from Donghua university (东华大学).Currently he is pursuing Doctor degree from university of Chinese academy of science (Dalian Institute of chemical physics) Major in Analytical chemistry. He say,“ UCAS Beijing Yanqihu campus is one of most beautiful campus sorrunded by green Mountains near Great wall China.Here you can enjoy scenery of clean and blue sky every time. I love travelling in beautiful China and capture natural beauty. People here are very friendly and if you can speak Chinese language then China is your hometown. If you have plan to come to china then must learn Chinese language.” His three works are as follows.As a PhD student of UCAS, Usman Ali is working in Prof. YI Yuanping’s group at Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS). After coming in China in September 2019, besides his PhD studies and hard work in scientific research, Ali also enjoys his life in Beijing by visiting different historical places and tasting various Chinese traditional food. With more than 500 captured pictures of Beijing, he chose his best works and won the award in the contest.