Home Overseas Academic Exchanges

Overseas Academic Exchanges

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The procedures concerning overseas academic exchanges for international students of UCAS colleges and schools will be managed by the International College(IC-UCAS). For those international students who plan to attend the above overseas activities, please contact the IC-UCAS to submit the required materials.  


A total of eight forms are required:

  2. Formal invitation letter with signature (student-owned)
  3. Anti-Interference Precaution Commitment for Going Abroad.docx
  4. Guarantee Letter.docx
  5. Application Form for Graduate Students of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences to Go Abroad for Academic Exchange1.docx
  6. The Agreement of International Students.docx
  7. Overseas Returnee Follow-up Record Form.doc
  8. International Students' Pre-departure Education Record Form.docx


Students need to follow the procedure:

  1. Download the forms and fill the forms.
  2. Ask your supervisor to sign on these forms which need signature.
  3. Bring these forms to IC-UCAS office (Room 219, Office Building, Yuquanlu Campus)


If the request is approved by the IC-UCAS office, you need to come to IC-UCAS office to sign at the next day after you come back.