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Call for 798 trip
Call for 798 trip
by admin - Oct 14, 2021

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IC@UCAS Athletics 2021
IC@UCAS Athletics 2021
by admin - Oct 10, 2021

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by admin - Oct 15, 2020

MID-AUTUMN2020.10.1MID-AUTUMN中秋 HAPPY MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL   月满人齐全,家国两团圆。时隔十九个春秋,2020年,国与家再一次撞了一个满怀。时逢国庆中秋双节,位于长城脚下、雁栖湖畔的中国科学院大学校园,四处可见飘扬的五星红旗和五彩的灯笼。为了让远离家乡的在校留学生切身体验和了解中国传统文化,促进中外学生沟通与交流,10月1日晚,国科大“你好,中国”蓝飘带文化传播项目和研究生社团弘毅传统文化社联合举办了“中秋雅集”中外学生联谊活动。弘毅社的成员们和来自也门、巴基斯坦、肯尼亚、尼日利亚、贝宁等国家的留学生共30余人参加了此次活动。    国科大目前拥有超过90个国家的外国留学生,共1500余名,其中博士留学生1055人。“你好,中国”蓝飘带文化传播项目是中国科学院大学重点建设的文化品牌项目,旨在以多样化的形式向来华留学生介绍中国传统文化,讲述中国故事。月金满秋AUT“中秋雅集”中外学生联谊活动弘毅社社长周明笑、社员杨婧开场介绍曹志红老师用英文介绍活动源起及历法知识活动简介     本次“中秋雅集”中外学生联谊活动由蓝飘带文化建设项目负责人、留学生《中国概况》课程授课教师曹志红副教授携项目组与弘毅社联合举办。双方提前进行筹划,制作精美海报进行活动宣传,精心准备活动中所需要的汉服及各类材料。     活动开始后,首先由弘毅社社长周明笑、社员杨婧分别用中英文给大家介绍了中秋节的历史、风俗、文化,以及本次活动的内容。接着,曹志红用全英文向在场的中外学生介绍了本次活动的源起,并且为留学生们介绍了国庆节和中秋节之所以同日相逢的历法知识,也对留学生表达了亲切的问候和美好的节日祝愿。AUTPART 1体验汉服汉服初体验           汉服作为中华民族的传统服饰,不仅具有特定的哲学意蕴,同时具有潇洒飘逸、如仙如云的特点。甫一开始,周明笑的一袭古典汉服即吸引了大家的注意,同学们都跃跃欲试。来自也门的留学生艾墨(Al-hababi Mohammed)和中国学生杨婧分别体验了直裾深衣和双绕曲裾一男一女两套汉服,相映成趣 。艾墨发出赞叹:“穿着汉服,我们是多么的光彩夺目!”AUTPART 2尝试自制月饼     按扁面团、制作饼皮、包裹馅料、撒上米粉、在模具中定型……这些来自不同国家的留学生们在曹志红和周明笑的指导下,按照步骤,有模有样地制作起冰皮月饼。来自巴基斯坦的阿福(Saud uz Zafar)是国家纳米科学中心的在读博士生,他说:“这是来中国留学后,第一次做月饼,虽然月饼制作看起来简单,但做起来需要很多技巧。”他所在的小组的面团都是经由他手制作而成。制作的月饼既有传统的圆圆月饼,又有可爱的小兔子形状。看到自己亲手制作的一个个月饼,同学们纷纷拍照分享。AUTPART 3灯笼同学们在认真制作灯笼成果展示制作灯笼与赏花灯          古时候,中秋节不仅吃月饼、赏月亮,每当中秋节到来,赏花灯也是必不可少的。活动中,曹志红为留学生们讲解了赏灯习俗的区域性特点,并且取出弘毅社同学准备好的制作材料,鼓励同学们发挥聪明才智,自己组装花灯。同学们分为两个小组,中外学生通力合作,全神贯注地搜集资料、拼接龙骨、粘贴彩纸。不一会儿,造型优美的灯笼就诞生了。留学生纷纷与灯笼合影留念,共赏花灯,共享成功喜悦。AUTPART 4曹老师讲解唐诗《静夜思》 巴基斯坦留学生阿福(Saud uz Zafar)诵读唐诗感受唐诗魅力          中秋节月亮圆满,象征团圆。古时候,人们常以月寄情,离乡之人则对月怀乡,流传下许多咏月的诗歌。中国学生在交流中向留学生介绍了中国咏月的著名诗句,尤其是那一句“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”。沐着中秋皎洁月光,通过曹志红的讲解,留学生和中国学生一起吟诵了唐代诗人李白所作的五言古诗《静夜思》。AUTPART 5            来自尼日利亚的留学生Peter Philomina Onyedikachi在制作灯笼“中秋节是我在中国所参加过的最有趣、最难忘的节日之一。”来自尼日利亚的留学生Peter Philomina Onyedikachi说,“我学会了如何做月饼,制灯笼,还学习了一些优美的古诗。我很高兴可以参加这些活动,这样以后我就可以把这些文化带回我的国家。我很自豪能在中国学习!”来自肯尼亚的留学生Millicent Oulo在认真听老师介绍中秋文化来自肯尼亚的Millicent Oulo表示:“与中国学生一起参加中秋节联欢活动真是太棒了!我了解了中秋节的文化历史,一些学生甚至穿着中国传统的服装,这有点像把传统的画面带到了现代。”来自贝宁的留学生科科(Claude Kiki)在学习做月饼来自贝宁的科科(Claude Kiki)感慨道:“特别感谢《中国概况》课的曹老师邀请我们参加这次活动,她告诉我们,上一次中国的国庆节和中秋节赶在同一天已经是十九年前了!,这次又在同一天,简直太值得纪念了!和中国学生一起过节,谈中国文化,做冰皮月饼,制中秋灯笼,背中国古诗,让我们真切体验到了什么是中华文化,真的太赞了!”来自肯尼亚的留学生王雄(Raphael Nyaruaba)来自肯尼亚的王雄(Raphael Nyaruaba)说:“这次活动太棒了,我们在了解中国丰富的历史和中秋节的同时还结识了一些新朋友。我们期待以后举办更多这样的活动!”对于中国学生来说,这样的联谊活动不仅增加了他们对祖国传统文化的亲身体验,提供了与外国学生交流的机会。更重要的是,他们可以在活动中将自己民族的文化经由自己的口向国际学生讲出来,平添一种自豪感。       弘毅传统文化社社长周明笑谈道:“十分高兴能够组织此次中秋节的中外学生联谊活动。我们社的宗旨就是传承和弘扬我们中华民族的优秀传统文化。在活动中,中外学生都十分积极地参与,现场的气氛也十分热烈,大家都很享受这次活动。未来我们还会组织更多的活动。”       杨婧同学感慨道:“这是我人生中第一次用英语向外国学生介绍我们的文化。我们的文化能让更多人去了解,我觉得十分自豪,也希望类似的活动可以多一点,让更多人了解和喜爱……END        留学生的到来,为我们国科大的校园增加了多元文化要素,也让我们能够有更多机会讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,阐释好中国特色。事实上,每一位留学生都是未来社会的精英人才,同时也是一位文化使者。通过这样的文化项目,他们有一天回到自己的国家,可以向他们的家人、朋友客观介绍什么是中国,什么是中国文化。未来,我们还将开展更多文化体验活动,让留学生有更多机会零距离感受中国文化的魅力。

Rules and Regulations for UCAS International Students
Rules and Regulations for UCAS International Students
by admin - Sep 14, 2020

Download : Rules and Regulations for UCAS International Students.pdf

Opening ceremony speech by
Opening ceremony speech by
by admin - Sep 14, 2020

尊敬的白院长,亲爱的老师、同学们,大家上午好!  我是艾墨,来自也门,非常荣幸代表2020级国际学生新生发言。  I am a PhD student in IC-UCAS sponsored by the ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents. My supervisor is Professor Liú Yíng.  First of all, I congratulate all fellow students for joining this prestigious university and tell them that we are fortunate to have the opportunity to be admitted to UCAS.  The story of my interest in this university started when I was studying for my master's in Xi'an, the ancient capital of China. When I asked my Chinese friends about which universities they dreamed of joining in order to continue their studies, many of them answered that they dreamed of studying at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. So I searched for it and found that it is really one of the best universities.  According to the ESI report released in July 2020, UCAS ranked 67th globally, and 1st in China. This is what motivated me to plan to apply and join this university,  I am proud now that I’ve got this golden opportunity.  Beijing is the capital of today’s most populated developing country in the world, China, which shares five thousand years’ civilization. And today it is bravely fighting the battle with the COVID-19 virus, manifested with the wisdom and responsibility of leadership, awareness, and solidarity of the Chinese people. We can study and live while feeling safe.  We, as new students, will do our best in educational and academic achievement. We will be the best representatives of our different countries from all over the world, and the best representative of the strength of Chinese relations with various countries of the world, relations of friendship and cooperation for a better world full of peace, coexistence and mutual respect.  Finally, I would like to thank the Chinese government and ANSO for supporting and helping students from different countries. And I reiterate my thanks to the university's administration and professors.  I wish everyone an academic year full of success and happiness.  开学快乐,抗“疫”必胜!谢谢大家。

2019 Photography Contest of IC- UCAS Winners Announced
2019 Photography Contest of IC- UCAS Winners Announced
by admin - Jul 23, 2020

In order to enrich the extracurricular life of our faculty and students and inspire them capture UCAS and CAS in the eyes of the world, UCAS International College successfully held 2019 Photography Contest.Since the launch of the contest, teachers and students of UCAS have been actively participating in it, recording their lives with cameras, showing the good spirit of our teachers and students. Entries were submitted from UCAS by talented professional photographers and amateurs. After the appraisal of the organizing committee, 1 gold award, 3 silver awards and 5 bronze awards were selected. The winners are hereby announced as follows:Congratulations on the excellent results of the above works!!

by admin - Jul 2, 2020

CONDITIONS OF COVID-19 IN NEPALWritten by: Archana Ghimire                        Edited by: Pralhad GuptaCoronavirus (COVID-19) has been the headline for news portals all over the world in recent months. The outbreak appeared in Wuhan, China, for the first time, and it spread worldwide overwhelmingly. The virus's outbreak was nearly inevitable, and even the developed and prosperous countries failed to defend it. However, very few cases have been reported in Nepal than in other countries despite being a landlocked neighbor to China and the fact that China is the second-largest trading partner of Nepal. But those cases were more than enough to create chaos in a small underdeveloped and least prepared country like Nepal.According to the data published by the Ministry of Health and Population, as of June 26, 2020, 11755 total positive cases were detected, 9030 patients were kept in isolation, 71012 people were quarantined, 2698 were discharged, and 27 people died of Coronavirus. Two testing methods were used for diagnosis i.e., RT-PCR and RDT. The RT-PCR test diagnosed 206271, and the RDT test diagnosed 290349.Twenty-two laboratories are responsible for the RT-PCR test. Still, only four of them, namely, Teku Hospital, Nepal Police Hospital, Patan Hospital, and Tribhuvan University Hospital, can treat the positively tested patients after the diagnosis. The treatment of the COVID 19 virus is free of cost if anyone is confirmed positive. However, the government hasn't been able to perform tests for every suspected patient due to the limited number of testing kits and isolation beds in the hospitals and because of the higher number of suspected patients.  Also, the RDT test is still in use for making clinical decisions, although the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests not to. Safety precautions were applied across the country to prevent the transmission of the virus. People evacuated from outside the country were quarantined for about two weeks until the test results were confirmed. After the test, those who tested negative were sent home, whereas the rest were isolated. A lockdown was announced restricting people in any movement and mass gathering except for emergency and performing chores in an allocated time with caution.Many startups in Nepal have remained closed due to the pandemic. Even if the lockdown comes to an end, resuming the businesses or establishing new firms will be a challenge. Loss of employment is the immediate and direct impact that can be seen from the surface. Many daily wage workers have lost their jobs. Hence the daily livelihood of thousands of workers has been heartbreaking.However, the Government of Nepal has decided to change the modality of lockdown and has agreed to ease prohibition in specific sectors. Agriculture and animal-related businesses, food stores, development projects such as hydropower, construction activities, and so forth are allowed to open and continue their operations. Restaurants are only allowed to arrange for takeaway services. Private vehicles are acknowledged on the street on an odd-even basis. Odd license plates are allowed out on odd dates.In contrast, even license plates are allowed out on even. Simultaneously, educational institutions, training centers, sports centers, public transportation, malls and cinemas, international and domestic flights (except those receiving permission), and religious and social places will remain shut. The government declared suspension of all regular classes and academic examinations were postponed until further notice. This resulted in a tremendous increase in the use of social sites such as Zoom, Google Meet, Google Classroom, Moodle, etc. by many educational institutions and organizations for conducting group meetings. This pandemic had also brought some positive changes among the Nepalese youths bringing them together, demanding to stop the RDT test and ensure 100% RT-PCR test, among others. This is the first time Nepalese youth came out to protest against the government, where no political party was involved. The government has taken it into account and will look forward to making amends in the current trend.After this pandemic gets over, it is essential to uplift the socio-economic condition, and livelihood should be recovered immediately. It is an urge to bridge the economic gap until the economy of the country stabilizes.With the outbreak of COVID-19, many research students, such as myself, are advised to stay at home and follow work from home routine. Initially, it was a real struggle for me to work from home. The lack of resources and motivation often makes us uncomfortable and unstable at home, holding us back from working at our fullest caliber. I have been trying to write a review paper more recently, but I'm still not having my way. Often, I try to convince myself that this situation will be over very soon, but it seems like there is a long way until the end.Nevertheless, to cope with this pandemic, I started to make a flexible plan and follow some rituals which ease me to keep my day busy, joyful, fruitful, and positive. This habit aids me a lot to keep myself in a relaxed mood. Enjoying every day in a different pattern has helped me to stay productive without getting bored.I am passionate about knowing about the current affairs of my country. I follow some secure online news portals to study the updates. However, the flow of the same information time and again can be too much, sometimes though it is reasonable to get the majority of news related to COVID-19 across social media. As a result, sometimes, we get surrounded by dark thoughts, and we need to revitalize our mental health against feelings of helplessness and boredom. I spend some virtual happy hours with friends and relatives via phone and video calls. Virtual hugs and kisses showing deep affection and care could mean a lot at the moment, and more so, it's a privilege to be around with our family and grandparents during this particular moment. I'm always excited to listen to their stories with the combined recipe of struggle, failure, hard work, dedication, and success leading to ultimate happiness. Enjoying virtual communication (Research Center for Eco-environmental Sciences family)Involving in rituals at home with grandparentsI try to boost my immune system by eating healthy, maintaining adequate sleep hours, exercising, and relaxing and practicing mindfulness. I spend some time gardening and watering plants. We have varieties of flowers, seasonal vegetables in our house yard. I love to stay in the fresh air for a while during the evening.                             Avoiding the crowd, we buy essential groceries for about a month from the nearby supermarket. While going out in the street, I found out that most of all people are concerned about safety measures. People are wearing masks and gloves while walking in the street by maintaining social distance. Even though it's a hard time, people are tinged with the hope that everything will be okay very soon.Measures being taken to avoid the transmission of Covid-19From a personal perspective, I feel like Covid-19 is not such a horrible thing after all. It's a holiday but of a different kind. It's time to think and contemplate our future endeavors. It's a little signal from the planet earth to humankind that we need to use the resources wisely. It's a signal to stay, resist, and fight together. It's a portrayal of life being a blessing. And after everything becomes routine, there is no doubt we're going to enjoy experiences with more colors. There will be one another toast added during the festivals, celebrations, and gatherings: "Cheers to our life on earth!”Stay healthy with positive thoughts. PEACE!!! Article by: Archana GhimirePhotos by: (i) Ratna Ghimire(ii) Tista Prasai Joshi(iii) Navesh Chitrakar(iv) Pritam Maharjan  

Covid-19 and Climate change: Lessons to rise parallel
Covid-19 and Climate change: Lessons to rise parallel
by admin - Jul 2, 2020

Covid-19 and Climate change: Lessons to rise parallelArticle by: Kshitiz Kandel                Edited by: Pralhad GuptaWhat is a coronavirus disease or COVID-19? Is there a vaccine, drug, or treatment for COVID-19? How is it impacting the Global System? And more…Hundreds of queries are veering from person to person from a region to another around the globe lately. Every day we account COVID-19, each and every minute detail; total infection, fatalities, recovery, fatality rate, recovery rate, and more. The COVID-19 pandemic threatens the prosperity and integrity of the global community and economy. The decades of development and sustainability are on the verge of collapse in days or months. Not only do we talk and analyze the future consequences, we predict the unpredictability as well. Oh, wow! What a concern! This is simply amazing.Nevertheless, have we ever considered about the pandemic that humans have spread into mother nature? Have we ever spent a single moment accounting the consequences of global Climate change? A fun fact! Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and mankind…about 140 thousand years. If we condense the Earth's life span into 24 hours, one full day, then we have been here on this planet for 3 seconds. In just 3 seconds, look at what we have done to our world. We’ve created nuclear war fear, smog pollution, carbon emission, forest clearance. We’ve increased the extinction of our endangered flora and fauna by 1000 times the average rate. Species that have been here longer than us will be gone because of us. The earth system that was running in a stunningly balanced way will be devastated because of us, in this 3 second. So, it’s high time we realize before it's too late to think about Climate change. It is up to us to care for this planet, which is our only home. We must learn lessons from these crises. We need to rise parallel to COVID-19 and Climate change. COVID-19 makes us realize that forced actions are capable of justice to the Environment. Climate actions are possible in time. Ecologically, decades of environmental pollution and hazards are about to be controlled in this small-time scale. It is just within few months of lockdown around the globe, planet Earth seems healing. Mountains and horizon are seen crystal clear from distant never seen before. Rare and endangered wild flora and fauna are recorded to thrive. The ozone layer is historically recorded healing, in which billions of dollars and projects could possibly not succeed. People have seen vivid clear blue sky and night aurora. Many have enjoyed usually clear skies and fresh air.  Isn’t this quite surprising? Could we call this justice to the system? How appropriate is it to rename this as a climate action? Well, what so ever, it’s calls of urgency to rise from these crises together. We must rise to both emergencies in parallel. (Google, DAILY SABAH, retrieved on 06-26-2020)(Google, DAILY SABAH, retrieved on 06-26-2020)The novel human coronavirus disease, COVID-19, has become the fifth documented pandemic since the 1918 flu pandemic. The global community is fighting the best possible against the pandemic at present. UN bodies are bringing scientists, experts, and policymakers addressing the COVID-19 crisis around the world. WHO is connecting the global health professionals and researchers to contain the virus. Global leaders are struggling with the responsibilities they need to offer their country. The world now has two challenges to tackle together, we have two equally significant responsibilities. First, contain the recent virus and prevent it from happening again. Second, comes with an action on climate change. The Covid-19 pandemic is an immediate case in point for now. We need to save lives now while also save our planet at the same time. The first point is more pressing, but the second has significant long-term consequences. That's the reason why it is essential to emphasize the interconnectivity between COVID-19 and climate change. Reports have shown that disasters from the impacts of climate change can exacerbate the COVID-19 crisis. Cyclone Harold, in the Pacific continent, forced the struggling public system to reopen its border pressing from the COVID-19 disasters. Likewise, damages and loss of lives in the Solomon Islands, such as Vanuatu and Fiji, are unprecedented. The Guardian reports, ''A new record set so soon after the previous record of 17.5C in March 2015 is significant warming in Antarctica is happening much faster than global average''.Similarly, Earth’s warming trend continued in 2019, making it the second-hottest year in NOAA’s 140-year climate record just behind 2016. The World Meteorological Organization in The State of the Global Climate in 2019 Report confirms that the modern world has surpassed 1.1°C of global warming. It is above the pre-industrial level, and weather extremes, severe cyclones, and storms will be the new norm in this entire decade. Without urgent action, we will likely reach the 1.5°C threshold as early as 2030. Additionally, there are a series of disasters and hazards that are induced because of climate change. Loss of snow mass, sea-level rise, more intense heat waves, more frequent wildfires, more extended periods of drought, extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations, and habitat! On a bright note, Climate change exacerbates the COVID-19 crisis! How long, how far? So, it is a global urge to collaborate and prevent COVID-19 and climate change at the same time.On the one hand, the world needs to accelerate work on treatment and vaccines for COVID-19. Climate actions need to be implemented vigorously, on the other side. These are the real-time actions that help contribute to the solutions we need.The COVID-19 pandemic and the climate change crises are interconnected and cross-cutting – both require a comprehensive and systematic approach. There are certain things impacted by the disaster. But this is not time we lag behind because of this A-Once-in-a-Century-Pandemic. We must respond to it firmly and fight back sustainably. We need to realize that taking care of our Earth system is itself effective prevention against the crises. The climate change-induced disaster is a crucial reminder that notwithstanding the threats and impacts of COVID-19, climate change remains the biggest threat to humanity. So, let’s take this as an opportunity to consider the climate-smart response and recovery measures. This is a chance for nations to plan better and to shape 21st-century environments and societies in ways that are healthy, clean, safe, and more resilient. As we continue the fight against COVID-19 and climate change, we must review and strengthen our policies. We must address both of the crises actively and equally with urgent attention. We must act right now and make a commitment to building back climate-smart societies and economies. We must consider the carrying capacity of the Earth. We must make sure that vulnerable regions will not suffer from the ‘tragedy of the commons.' We must strengthen the resilience of our home planet, our neighborhoods, and people. We must come out of these crises stronger. Let's join our hands against the global pandemic to make this planet for all of us to live on. We will!Written by: Kshitiz KandelEdited by: Pralhad Gupta