The construction of the Great Wall began over two millennia ago during the 7th century BCE and continued for many centuries. It was built and rebuilt by different Chinese dynasties, with the most famous sections constructed during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 CE). The Great Wall is not a continuous wall but a collection of walls, fortifications, and watchtowers. Its total length is estimated to be around 13,000 miles (21,196 kilometers). The primary purpose of the Great Wall was defense. It served to protect China from incursions by various northern tribes and invaders, as well as to regulate trade and immigration along the Silk Road. The construction of the Great Wall involved a variety of materials, including stone, brick, wood, and earth. It features watchtowers, signal beacons, and fortresses along its length. There are different sections of the Great Wall, with some of the most popular ones being the Badaling and Mutianyu sections near Beijing. Each section offers a unique experience and level of restoration. The Great Wall of China is not only a symbol of China's rich history but also a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most recognizable and visited landmarks globally.

The IC students took photos with Chinese national flag and the Great Wall  as the background after got the tickets



The IC students and the lead teacher at the Great Wall


On a sunny autumn day (October 29, 2023) and a cool autumn Sunday (November 5, 2023), two groups of international students from the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) embarked on an exciting journey to explore the iconic Great Wall of China. Their enthusiasm to witness this magnificent ancient marvel was palpable in the sparkle of their eyes. Accompanying them on this memorable excursion were esteemed faculty members from the Department of Archeology at the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, namely Prof. Luo Wugan, Dr. Han Bin, Prof. Yang Yimin and Prof. Jiang Hongen. These knowledgeable educators provided insightful explanations about the rich history and significance of the Great Wall of China, enhancing the students' understanding of this incredible structure.

The IC students interacts with Chinese locals with traditional attire

As Noman Habib (IC student) embarked on his journey from Yuquanlu, he couldn't contain his excitement as he shared his profound fascination with the Great Wall of China. His anticipation had been building for nearly two months since he first set foot in China. Numerous international students found themselves astonished at the sheer magnitude of a wall that spanned such great lengths and heights, constructed in an era long gone by. Their admiration for the dedication and ingenuity of the Chinese ancestors who undertook the monumental task of creating this invaluable historical masterpiece was evident.

While on the Great Wall of China, the Chinese people warmly showcased their rich customs and culture, captivating the international students. Traditional attire, in particular, held a magnetic charm for these students, who readily embraced the opportunity to interact with Chinese locals. They engaged in activities such as dancing alongside Chinese individuals and capturing cherished moments in photographs, often with the locals donning traditional clothing, fostering a delightful exchange of customs and traditions.

Mahdis, another international student, pointed out that they had chosen a remarkably favorable season to visit the Great Wall of China. In Mahdis's view, the Great Wall of China stands as a magnificent fusion of nature and history, a sight that enthralls all who behold it. Mahdis observed that on the Chinese wall, they could witness a tangible embodiment and culmination of the teachings imparted by Dr. Han in their Chinese culture class.

Group photos of the IC students participated in the visits

A vlog created by IC student Ali Farooq