Home People Zhihong, Cao

Zhihong, Cao

Zhihong, Cao
- School of Marxism Studies, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS)
19A Yuquan Rd., School of Marxism Studies, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS),Beijing, China

CAO Zhihong, Associate Professor
Email: caozhihong@ucas.ac.cn
Address: 19A Yuquan Rd., School of Marxism Studies, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS),Beijing, China
Postcode: 100049

Research Interests

Environmental History

Historical Geography

Faunal Change in History


2010,PhD of History,  Shaanxi Normal University,


Associate Professor,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nov.30,2017-now

Assistant Professor,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, June 21,2013-Nov.29,2017

Post doctoral Fellow,Nankai University ,Sept.6,2011 --June 20,2013.

Honors & Prizes

2016     Annual Outstanding Individual Prize of UCAS

2014     Annual Outstanding Individual Prize of UCAS

2011   Prize of Best Participant of International Training Course: New Trends and Methodology in Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology 2011, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences & International Society of Zoological Sciences

2011   Second Prize, Outstanding Youth's Publications on Historical Geography, Yugong Fund of Tan Qixiang

2009   Huazang Fellowship, Shaanxi Normal University

2009   Annual Academic Research Fellowship, Shaanxi Normal University

2007   Outstanding Award of Research Team, Northwest Institute of Historical Environment & Socio-Economic Development, Shaanxi Normal University

2005   Award for superior thesis of 2nd National Symposium on Ecology and Protection for Wild Animals (Harbin City, Sep.27- Oct. 4, 2005), IFAW China

2002 Annual Award for Outstanding Graduate Students, Shaanxi Normal University




F Journal Articles

  1. “Hiding Archives:Tiger Trade in History”, Shanxi Archives, 2016(1):109-112.(first author)
  2. “Human Activities and Historical Distribution of South China Tiger in Jiangxi Province”, Ludong University Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2015(6):11-13. (first author)
  3. “On the Academic History of tiger’s origination in China”, Wenjiao Ziliao, 2015(26):78-80.
  4. “The Evolution of Man-tiger Relation in Fujian Area and Its Social Response”, Journal of Nankai University (social science edition), 2013(4):98-109.
  5. “Tiger and Human: People’s Activities Tracks and the Historical Distribution of South China Tiger in Fujian Province”, Journal of Northwest University (natural science edition), 2013(3):480-485.
  6. “The Historical Change of South China-tiger in Hunan  Province and Human-tiger Relationship”, Journal of Northwest University (natural science edition), 2012(6):1000-1006.
  7. “Surveys, Verification and Research on the Xinjiang Tiger: A History”, Historical Research, 2009(4):34-49.
  8. “Human-Tiger Conflicts Driven by Immigration and Development in Southern Shaanxi during Ming and Qing Dynasties”, Historical Review, 2008(5):50-57, republished in Copy materials of Renmin  University: History of Ming and Qing Dynasties, 2009(1):11-17. (first author)
  9. “Study on the Beast Resources and Ecological Environment in Loess Plateau during Tang and Song Dynasties”, in Historical Geography, Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press, 2004(20):116-127.
  10. “The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Flood in the Ankang Region in the Qing Dynasty” (co-author), Journal of Ankang College, 2009(3):86-88.
  11. “Research on Historical Administrative Evolution of Wuyuan”, in Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (additional edition), 2002:150-153.

F Symposium Collection Articles

  1. “TONGWANCHENG FÖVÁROSRÓL SZÓLÓ KUTATÁSI ÉS VIZSGÁLATI EREDMÉNY”(co-author), in A HUNOK ÖRÖKSÉGE.HUN-idea Szellemi Hagyomáörzö Müheiy. Hungary: Budapest, 2009, pp.101-114.
  2. “Beast Resources in Loess Plateau during Tang and Song Dynasties”, in Historical Environment and Civilization Evolution in Western Region- 2004 International Symposium on Historical Geography, Beijing: Shangwu Press, 2005, pp. 158-180.
  3. “Halford Mackinder, the ‘Geographical Pivot’, and British Perceptions of Central Asia” (trans., first translator, written by Michael Heffernan and Sarah O’Hara), in Historical Environment and Civilization Evolution in Western Region- 2004 International Symposium on Historical Geography, Beijing: Shangwu Press, 2005, pp. 53-67.
  4. “Space Expansion and Land Usage of Resources-type Cities-Taking Tongchuan City as A Case Study”, in Hu Huichun & Chen Zhangjin, eds., Collections of Development of the West Regions and Environmental Protection Symposium, Taiwan:Taibei, Zhengda Institute of International Relation Press, 2004, pp.601-614.

F Newspaper Articles

  1. “Local Livelihoods And Global Challenges: Understanding Human Interaction With The Environment——Summary of WCEH”, Social Sciences in China, Sep.3, 2009, Page 8-YuWai.
  2. “Xinjiang Tiger: Review of A Historical Specie”, Social Sciences in China, July16, 2009, Page 5-History.
  3. “Walking in Siberian Tiger Park”,in SCT eds., Save China’s Tiger (E-Magazine), 2005, vol.4.

F Book

  1. “Research on Historical Animal”, the 3rd volume of series books “Study on Environmental History in China”, China Environmental Science Press, 2014. (second author)

F Book Chapter

  1. “Chapter one: Chinese Culture of Tiger”,in Yin Hong eds., Chinese National Geography: Walking With The Tiger, Beijing: Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2010, pp.4-52.


  1. "Tiger Attacking: A Case Study on Human-tiger Relationship in Guizhou during Ming Dynasty" (lecturer and contact author ),The Fourth Conference of East Asian Environmental History, EAEH2017, Tianjin, Oct. 27-30.
  1. “Crossing Traditional Historiography & Digital Historiography: Historical Animal Research”(lecturer and author), Symposium of “Digital Humanities: Frontiers on Humanities Research in Big Data Era”, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, June 30-July 2, 2017.
  1. “Design of Chinese Historical Database on Animal Study”(lecturer and author), “Digital Humanities” and Historical Geography Forum for Young Scholars, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, Mar. 2, 2017.
  1. “Human Dimensions on Amur Tiger’s Historical Change” (lecturer and author), Presentation for The Third Conference of East Asian Environmental History (EAEH2015), Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, 22-25,2015.
  1. “Review and Prospect on Study of Historical Animal” (lecturer and author), Presentation for the 11th Conference on Wild Animal Ecology and Resources Conservation, Nanjing, China, Oct. 16-19, 2015.
  1. “Crossing of History and Zoology: A New Perspective on South China Tiger” (lecturer and author), Presentation for “Series Academic Reports” of College of Humanities& Social Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing City, China, Mar.8, 2013.
  1. Commenter for “Environmental History and Human Being’s Civilization: Environmental History Forum of Doctoral Students’ of China”. Tianjin City, China, Oct. 26-28, 2012
  1. “Disappearing Out of People’s Sight: Historical Change of Tiger in Hebei Province from Qing Dynasty to The Republic of China ”(lecturer and author), Presentation for “North China’s Historical Geography and Change of China’s Society: China’s Historical Geography International Conference in2012”, Tianjin, China, Sep.22-25,2012.
  1. “Surveys, Verification and Research on the Xinjiang Tiger”, The Symposium on Traditional Scientific Culture and Resources, Beijing, China, Dec. 8, 2012.
  1. “The Relationship between Human Beings and Wild Animals in Chinese History”(lecturer and main author),presentation and poster paper for 1st World Congress of Environmental History, sponsored by ICEHO & Roskilde University, Copenhagen, Denmark & Malmoe, Sweden, 4-8, 2009.
  1. “Investigation and Research on the Important Capital Site of Tongwancheng in Eurasian Grassland Zone” (co-author). paper for “THE HUNGARIANS AND THE ORIENT-II - Conference on Ancestral History” of 7-th HUNGARIAN WORLD CONGRESS, sponsored by The World Federation of Hungarians, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 16-20, 2008.
  1. “Study on Xinjiang Tiger in History”, presentation and paper for“Symposium on Influence of the Past Systems and Policies on Environment in Western Region”,Langzhong,Sichuan,Oct.22-24,2006.
  1. “Review on The Research of Regional History of Nature Based on Chinese Historical Literatures” (co-author and assistant), “Annual Symposium of CNC-IHDP2005”, sponsored by CNC-IHDP, Beijing, Dec.10-11, 2005.
  1. “Beast Resources in Loess Plateau during Tang and Song Dynasties”, presentation and paper for “2nd National Symposium on Ecology and Protection for Wild Animals”, sponsored by Ecology Society of China, Zoology Society of China, Northeast Forestry University and IFAW China, Haerbin, Heilongjiang, Sep.27- Oct. 4, 2005.
  1. “Human-Tiger Conflicts Driven by Immigration and Development in Southern Shaanxi during Ming and Qing Dynasties”(first author), presentation and paper for “Symposium of Function and Impact of Human Being’s Social and Economic Activities Acted on Environment”, sponsored by Center for Historical Environment & Socio-Economic Development in Northwest China, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, Sep. 25-27, 2005.
  1. “Beast Resources in Loess Plateau during Tang and Song Dynasties”, presentation and paper for “Historical Environment and Civilization Evolution in Western Region- 2004 International Symposium on Historical Geography”, sponsored by Committee of Historical Geography of China, Shaanxi Normal University, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG) and Xinjiang Geography Society, Urumchi, Xinjiang, Aug. 5-8, 2004.
  1. “Space Expansion and Land Usage of Resources-type Cities-Taking Tongchuan City as A Case Study”, paper for “Development of the West Regions and Environmental Protection Symposium”, sponsored by Shanxi Normal University, Institute of Asia Research of Hongkong, National Chengchi University of Taiwan and Peking University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, Dec. 21-24, 2003.
  • “Beast Resources and Its Geographical Distribution in Loess Plateau During Tang and Song Dynasties”, presentation and paper for Symposium of Historical Change and Its Influence of LUCC, Xi’an, Shaanxi, Jan.12, 2003.


F As Principal

  1. Apr. 2017-Dec.2018, Project from National Social Science Foundation(No. 17FZS051):"Historical Research on Tiger in China"
  2.  Apr.2015-Apr.2017, Project for Young Scholars from UCAS ( No. Y551032Y00)
  3. 2012-Jan.2015, Project for Distinguished Young Scholars from National Ministry of Education of China(No. 12YJC770006): “Tiger and Human: Human Dimension on South China Tigers’ Historical Change”
  4. 2006- Dec. 2010, Project for Graduate Division Dissertation Fellowship, Shaanxi Normal University (No.S2006YB02): “Tiger and Human: Human Dimensions on Tiger’s Historical Geographic Distribution & Historical Change”
  • As Attendee
    1. 2013-2018,“Series of Books on China’s Ecological Environmental History”( 13&ZD080)Key Project of National Social Science Foundation
    2. 2009, “Development of Human Society and Resources Environment in Northwest China”, the Third 211 Projects, Shaanxi Normal University.
    3. 2009, “Historical Interaction between Nationalities’ Socio-Economic Development and Environmental Change in Xinjiang Area”, Major Program for Key Research Institutes Of Humanities & Social Science , Ministry of Education of China (No.02JAZJD790019).
    4. 2004-2006, “Influence of the Past Systems and Policies on Environment in Western Region: Channels, Patterns and Degrees”, Projects of Environment and Ecology of West China, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90302002).
    5. In summer, 2005, “Society and Environment in China-Case Study on Some Rural Areas in Xi’an City, North Shaanxi and Ningxia Province", sponsored by The National Science Foundation of USA, Central Washington University, and Shaanxi Normal University.
    6. In summer 2004, “Relationship of Socio-Economic Development and Water Environment of Xi’an Area”, sponsored by The National Science Foundation of USA, Central Washington University, and Shaanxi Normal University.
    7. In summer 2002, “China Green Action Project”, WWF China.
    8. 2002-2004, “Evolvement Rule of Environment and Substantial Using of Soil and Water Resources in West Region”, Major Innovation Programs and West Plan Programs, Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX1-10-02).



2013-now     Supervisor of Beijing Society of History of Science and Technology and Scientific Sociology

2011-now     Member of ISZS (International Society of Zoology Sciences)

2009-now     Member of AEAEH

2004-now     Volunteer in the association of Save China’s Tiger (SCT)

2002 & 2005  Volunteer in the Project of Restoration of Ancient Green Capital City –Tongwancheng City

1998-1999  Member of Xuelian English Club, Shaanxi Normal University

1997-1999  Academician of the Society of Historical Remains and Sites


Introduction to History and Civilization in China

China Panorama