9月13日,也门驻华大使馆文化参赞Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah协助5位也门新生办理入学报到,并给国际学院带来了感谢证书。中国科学院大学学术副校长吴岳良院士欢迎Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah及也门在华学生联盟代表。 国际学院执行副院长胡中波、国际学院行政副院长陈锋及部分国际学院管理人员参与会见。

On September 13th , Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah, Cultural Counselor of Yemeni Embassy in China, assisted five Yemeni freshmen to register for admission and presented a certificate of appreciation to the International College. Academician Wu Yueliang, Academic Vice President of UCAS, expressed welcome to Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah and representatives of Yemeni Students’  Union in China. Mr. Hu Zhongbo, Executive Vice Dean of International College, Chen Feng, Executive Vice Dean of International College, and some managers of International College attended the meeting.

吴岳良副校长对Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah一行的到来表示欢迎,吴岳良向来宾介绍了国科大国际教育的基本情况并表示,也门与中国之间的友好关系历久弥新,中国科学院大学非常欢迎来自也门的学生,期待进一步加强双方的合作与交流。

Vice President Wu Yueliang welcomed the arrival of Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah and his delegation. Academician Wu Yueliang briefed the guests on the basic situation of international education of UCAS, and said that the friendly relations between Yemen and China have a long history and display even more vitality. He also noted that UCAS welcomed students from Yemen, and he looked forward to further strengthening cooperation and exchanges between the two sides.


Mr. Hu Zhongbo, Executive Dean of International College, expressed warm welcome and support to Yemeni students in his speech. Mr. Hu Zhongbo expressed the hope that in the future, more Yemeni youths will display their talents in academic fields and inject new vitality into the friendly relations between China and Yemen. 

Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah对中国科学院大学的学术声誉表示高度认可,Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah表示,希望未来有更多的也门学生能够在这里学习。Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabia提到,尊师重教是传统美德,他祝贺所有的教师和工作人员中国教师节快乐。也门学生代表向中国科学院大学表达了感谢,感谢中国科学院大学国际学院对也门学生的持续支持和关心。他表示,在国科大学习的也门学生在学术研究方面取得了很好的成果,为此他们感到非常自豪。

Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah highly recognized the academic reputation of UCAS and expressed the hope that more Yemeni students can study in UCAS in the future. Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabia mentioned that respecting teachers and attaching importance to teaching is a traditional virtue in China, and he congratulated all teachers and staff on a happy Teachers’ Day in China. Representatives of Yemeni students expressed their gratitude to UCAS, and thanked IC-UCAS for its continuous support and concern for Yemeni students. He said that Yemeni students studying in UCAS have achieved good results in academic research, of which they are very proud. 

会见中,Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah代表也门驻华大使馆向中国科学院大学国际学院颁发了感谢证书,感谢学院在国际人才培养上对也门做出的贡献。

During the meeting, Dr. Mohammad Bin-Rabiah, on behalf of the Yemeni Embassy in China, presented a certificate of appreciation to IC-UCAS for its contribution to Yemen's international talent training. 


The meeting deepened the cooperation and understanding between the two sides in the field of education, and laid a good foundation for the two sides to jointly promote further cooperation between China and Yemen in education and culture.